Our thoughts for 2016

 Our thoughts for 2016

With the New Year on the way, it is the moment to express my wish that 2016 will be an exceptional year for you all.

While the 2015 harvest is behind us and appears to be a remarkable vintage, we cannot forget the horrors which occurred and my thoughts are with the victims of Charlie Hebdo and of 13 November – those lost and innocent lives to which I dedicate these few lines. The fanatics, responsible for these acts, have in fact directly attacked our young generation, our way of life in France and our wine....a true rampart against hatred - and what better symbol of unity! Our customers are jewish, christian, orthodox and even muslim and without a doubt, our wines are a means of understanding between all religions and we will continue our lifestyle and never condone violence.

I am optimistic: we must profit from every precious moment in life and show our children that life is great and beautiful!

Our purpose in life is to give pleasure to everyone; our wish is that every bottle opened during this festive season and during the New Year will be an ode to love and life and a homage to all those killed or injured out of sheer hatred – simply because they were leading their lives!

We hope that our readers will come to Burgundy in the New Year and discover or rediscover its magnificent heritage, the multitude of winegrowing "climats" listed in July as a UNESCO world heritage site. In fact, rather like the climats of Burgundy, our association comprises a variety of personalities: 38 exceptional ladies, ranging from Chablis to Macon and dedicated to upholding our skills and traditions, and who meet regularly within the scope of the FevB (Businesswomen in Burgundy wine) – united we stand! Through this association we want to express the feminine outlook –not feminist- one which is educational because the woman is instrumental in the transmission of our particular winegrower's knowledge to future generations. We have been active for 15 years and are determined to develop over the years to come.

In my status as President since 2008 and on behalf of all our members, I wish you a very successful 2016; that this New Year will be joyful and convivial, full of hope, love and happiness – and also a year of pleasure, which is an everyday concern for us, so that our wines can be present on your table and for every memorable occasion.

Présidente of Femmes et Vins de Bourgogne


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